First an occupational therapist, then an osteopath, Guillaume Pineault finally came to the conclusion that he liked helping his neighbor in jest. Guillaume is a born, honest, empathetic narrator with an irresistible charisma known for his highly developed sense of the anecdote and his singular perspective on the things around him. His comments are always based on true, improbable stories from which he extracts all the comical aspects. Guillaume currently performs his show "Détour" practically everywhere in Quebec, and you can also hear him on the radio at 107.3 Rouge FM as part of the team with Véronique and Les Fantastiques. It is frequently claimed that the journey itself is more important than the final destination. Guillaume Pineault is a storyteller, and one does not exist without the other! A straightforward linear path can be implied by the stability of a life that includes 11 years of college and a 12-year partnership. However, Guillaume would not have been able to get there without taking this lengthy detour. The stage was his desired location! He gives the public "a entire ride" with his act. He then offered some of his own advise, saying, "Sit down in your bench, fasten your seatbelt, and let me lead you through this performance, the way to which I'm the only one who knows... and even worse, there's a way to get lost. Finding Guillaume Pineault tickets for cheap can be tough, but Yadara has got you covered. We have a wide selection of tickets to the hottest shows in town, and our prices are unbeatable. So whether you're looking for Guillaume Pineault tickets for the front row or just looking to save some money, visit us today and buy your tickets to the best concerts, plays, and sporting events. You won't be disappointed!