The Antique Roadshow is an American television series that features local antique owners who bring in their items to be appraised by experts. The show first aired on PBS in 1979 and is now produced by WGBH Boston. It is one of the highest-rated shows on PBS, and has been nominated for several Emmy Awards. Over the years, the show has featured a variety of items, including furniture, paintings, sculpture, jewelry, and more. In each episode, a team of appraisers travels to a different city, where they set up a booth at a local venue. People who bring in their items are usually hoping to find out that their piece is worth more than they thought. However, the appraisers sometimes give bad news and tell the owners that their item is not worth as much as they had hoped. Despite this, the show is still very popular and continues to be one of PBS's most-watched programs. Get your tickets today and see the Antique Roadshow live. The Antique Roadshow is an event where you can bring your antique items to be appraised by experts. This is a great event for anyone who loves antiques or is simply curious about the value of their old items.Tickets are available at Be sure to purchase your tickets today and don't miss out on this amazing event!